This document describes the policy and procedure of Tinius Olsen Ltd (the Data Controller) as applied to the collection and use of personal information. If you have any requests or queries concerning your personal information please contact us. Our Data Protection Lead is:

  • Mr Simon Elliott, Tinius Olsen Ltd, 6 Perrywood Business Park, Honeycrock Lane, Redhill, Surrey RH1 5DZ Telephone: 01737 765001 Email:

Tinius Olsen Ltd, (together “Tinius Olsen Ltd/we/us/our”) are committed to protecting your privacy. The policies and procedures we have in place are to protect the integrity and confidentiality of personal information, to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 and other UK and EU regulations. This Privacy Policy explains how Tinius Olsen Ltd collects, processes and uses personal information.

What is Personal Data?

Within the General Data Protection Regulations 2018, Personal data means any information relating to a living individual who can be identified (directly or indirectly) in particular by reference to an identifier (e.g. name, NI number, employee number, email address, physical features). It can be factual (e.g. contact details or date of birth), an opinion about an individual’s actions or behaviour, or information that may otherwise impact that individual in a personal or business capacity.

Data protection law divides personal data into two categories: ordinary personal data and special category data. Any personal data that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health conditions, sexual life or sexual orientation, or biometric or genetic data that is used to identify an individual is known as special category data. (The rest is ordinary personal data).

Why does Tinius Olsen Ltd need to collect and store personal data?

Tinius Olsen Ltd collects and stores personal data for the following purposes:

  • Staff administration
  • Accounts and records
  • Advertising
  • Sales, marketing & public relations
  • Consultancy and advisory services
  • Service, repair & calibration services
  • To identify and communicate with you

We are committed to ensuring that the information we collect and use is appropriate for its proposed purpose, and does not constitute an invasion of your privacy.

Collection & use

When providing our services, we may obtain personal data when:

  • Your employer (or other organisation with which you are formally affiliated) passes personal data to us for the provision of services they have purchased on your behalf
  • You provide your personal data online to Tinius Olsen Ltd
  • You provide your personal data in relation to any promotion or via feedback


Wherever possible, your personal data will not be obtained, held, used or disclosed unless you have given consent. We understand that “consent” means you have been fully informed of the intended processing of your personal data and have signified your acceptance.

Consent cannot be deemed to have been given if it was obtained on the basis of misleading information or inferred from non-response, by you, to any communication we send to you.


A cookie is a small piece of data containing a unique reference which is written to a web-enabled user device such as a computer, smartphone, tablet and/or other device running a web browser capable of connecting you to the internet. For more information on cookies visit:

Tinius Olsen Ltd does not make use of cookies.

Third Parties

Tinius Olsen Ltd may need to supply data to third parties for the purpose of providing the service you have chosen.

Tinius Olsen Ltd protects your personal data and we will not sell, rent or trade that personal data.

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

Disclosure of data

Tinius Olsen Ltd will ensure that personal data is not disclosed to unauthorised third parties.

The General Data Protection Regulation 2018 does however permit certain disclosures without consent when the information is requested for one or more of the following purposes:

  • To safeguard national security
  • Prevention or detection of crime including the apprehension or prosecution of offenders
  • Assessment or collection of tax duty
  • Discharge of regulatory functions (includes health, safety and welfare of persons at work)
  • To prevent serious harm to a third party
  • To protect the vital interests of the individual, this refers to life and death situations

All requests to provide personal data for one of the above reasons will be specifically authorised by the Tinius Olsen Ltd Data Protection Lead.

Keeping you informed

In the interest of continually improving our services, we may occasionally wish to contact you by email or telephone to inform you about services or offers which might be of interest to you, or to obtain your feedback on our services.

If you have received something in error please contact and we will remove you from our mailing list(s). We will provide an unsubscribe option on any/all relevant marketing communications.

Rights of access to data

Under the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 you have the right to request a copy of personal data which we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. Equally, Tinius Olsen Ltd has the right to disagree and/or refuse. Subject Access Requests must be made in writing to the Data Protection Lead or via Email at:


We have implemented stringent security measures to ensure the integrity & confidentiality of your personal data and to protect it from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. Wherever you communicate with our data processing systems, the communication will be encrypted and validated by our Extended Validation certificates.

Tinius Olsen Ltd personnel who handle personal data are made aware of their responsibilities and are trained in how to protect the data. Each Tinius Olsen Ltd contract of employment specifically includes provision for the confidential handling of customer information.

Supplier and Third Party Links

Tinius Olsen Ltd may provide you with hyperlinks from our websites to the third party websites. By following such hyperlinks, you become a customer of that third party supplier, in which case related transactions are subject to the third party’s own privacy policy. Please ensure you read and agree with the privacy policy provided by any third party.

Tinius Olsen Ltd accepts no responsibility or liability for any third party websites.

Transferring personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA)

We may transfer some of your personal data to our Parent or Group Company’s which are outside of the EEA.

An overseas transfer of personal data takes place when the data is transmitted or sent to, viewed, accessed or otherwise used in, a different country. Data protection law restricts transfers of personal data to countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) because the law in those countries might not provide the same level of protection to personal data as the law in the EEA.

To ensure that the level of protection afforded to personal data is not compromised, therefore, we are only able to transfer your personal data outside the EEA if certain conditions are met, as explained below:

  • The European Commission is empowered to recognise the use of standard contractual clauses (known as model contract clauses) as offering adequate safeguards for the purposes of Article 26(2)1.
  • The Information Commissioner is empowered to authorise transfers of personal data in such a manner ‘as to ensure adequate safeguards for the rights and freedoms of data subjects’ under paragraph 9, Schedule 4, DPA. Following approval by the Commission, the Information Commissioner has in turn also approved the following sets of model contract clauses.
  • Controller – Controller
  • Controller – Processor

Tinius Olsen Ltd has adopted these Clauses, in order to transfer personal data to its Parent or Group Company’s outside of the EEA.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Tinius Olsen Ltd reserves the right to change its Privacy Policy at any time without notice. We advise that you occasionally check the online document for the current version.

Conditions of use

Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that we obtain from or about you. By using Tinius Olsen Ltd websites you consent to the collection, processing, storage and use of any of your personal information as set out in this privacy policy.